Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Back in my day, there was this prof ...

I met yesterday with a current DTS student and it was interesting to hear his perspective on things.

One of the topics of conversation was professors: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I was suprised by the number of professors who had left since my days as a student (ThM '98), though there are still some around.

It got me to thinking about some of the great professors I had that he won't.

Who were some of your favorite professors, and why, from your days as a student?

I was (and still am) a big fan of Dr. Hannah. He's still there after 30+ years and I always encourage students to take at least one course with him. The Jonathan Edwards seminar I took where there were about 10 of us that met at his house over the summer was my favorite class at DTS. I also really enjoyed taking John Owen from him with two other brothers.

I was also a big fan of Steve Spencer, who has since gone to Wheaton. I really enjoyed his Sanctification class and his Calvin & Reformed Theology class. He was a sharp man and it was DTS' loss when he left.

Who were your favorite profs? Any great stories to tell about them?


M. Jay Bennett said...

Hannah was/is my favorite hands down. I took him for six classes and two independent studies: Church History 1 & 2, History of Doctrine, Calvin's Institutes, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, Readings in English Puritanism, and Reformation History and Theology.

I also really enjoyed the Chiz (Dr. Chisholm). He and I didn't see eye to eye on some major theological issues, but he's one of the most gifted teachers I've ever met and a great guy!

And last but not least, Dr. Kreider. I sat down with Kreider my first semester. He scared me to death! His classes always made me think deeply, and I really liked his teaching style. Every time I watched him teach I thought to myself: "This must have been what is was like to sit in Luther's lass at Wittenberg back in the day." I also enjoyed seeing some Edwardsian theology come through in his teaching.

GUNNY said...

I also enjoyed the Chiz, except for our Cardinals vs. Yankees slooge. For whatever reason, he really likes the Evil Empire.

I had him for my fourth semester of (He)brew and for Knowing God through the Old Testament.

He took us through a great many of my favorite "slooge" passages and really knocked some socks off some folks, shaking their categories.

But, I'm still not thinking it's okay for us to ever lie!

But, truth be told, Jay, I would probably answer the Nazis the same way. ; )